[Rust] 여러개의 숫자 입력 받기
rust에서 숫자를 입력 받는 동작 하는 몇가지 방법 정리
rust에서 숫자를 입력 받는 동작 하는 몇가지 방법 정리
tmux는 하나의 터미널 창에서 여러개의 터미널을 생성하여 사용할 수 있게 해주는 툴이다. tmux는 많은 옵션을 가지고 있는데, 그중 기본적인 사용방법을 아래에 정리하였다.
This is a post about aarch64 kernel debugging using qemu and gdb in yocto environment
RDP over ssh using reminna After ssh connection in terminal, connect to localhost:59002 in reminna run command in terminal 1 ssh -L 59002:localhost...
reference https://docs.yoctoproject.org/
DC motor A DC motor is a device that converts direct current electrical energe into mechanical energy according to Fleming’s left-hand rule. A DC motor is c...
Using “head” command to generate files create a 100M file filled with all 0’s. 1 $ head -c 100M /dev/zero > 100M_filled_with_zeros create a 100M file fil...
There are several ways to do split compression/decompression. Here I will introduce some methods. In this example, a 100MB file is divided and compressed in...
External interrupt On the Arduino Uno board, digital input pin 2 and 3 can be used as interrupt pins. A interrupt handler for an interrupt can be registered ...
analogRead / analogWrite In the Arduino Uno board, there are 6 pins A0 ~ A5 that can read analog input voltages, and their resolution is 10 bits. That is, t...
7 Segment Display 7 segment is a module representing a number in an embedded system. The number is divided into seven segments and represented by one LED per...
circuit The circuit below is a 4bits binary counter with 4 red LEDs. The exact characteristics of the LED should be checked in its datasheet. It is assumed ...
c In c programming, functions can be invoked in two ways, one is call by value and the other is call by reference. Actual parameters are the variables, const...
c c code This is a C program that inputs one string and two numbers, and outputs the input string and numbers. ```c #include
A race condition occurs when two or more threads access a shared resource(such a file or variable) at the same time. In this case, each thread races to read ...